Have questions? Contact Renae Lind, our Youth Director, for more information: or (920) 346-5810
In order to help us stay in better communication with parents, and to better serve the children, we ask that you print off and fill out the forms below and send with your child (or drop off at the church office).
Contact Information and Medical Release Form
Junior & Senior High Youth Groups meet every Wednesday night, in the Youth Room (basement) at 6 and 7:30 p.m., respectively. It’s an incredible time to enjoy worship, Bible study and fellowship with other young adults who made a decision to follow Jesus! Youth are asked to bring their Bibles if they have one, and if they don’t have one…we’ll get them one. Youth groups are open to all who are interested. You do not need to be a member of our church.
Youth groups do not meet during the summer months.
Brandon Adventures Club for Kids meets on Monday nights in the Youth Room (basement) from 5:30 – 7 p.m., starting at some point in the fall. Adventures Club is open to all children ages 3K – 5th grade who are interested in learning about the the love of Jesus Christ through stories, puppets, songs, crafts, science, games and movie time. You do not need to be a member of Bethel Church to attend.
Adventures Club is a seasonal activity so visit our church calendar for upcoming dates or follow us on Facebook for notifications about the event.